Francesco De Prezzo “PLACEHOLDERS”,  publication, 2024, 56 pages / PARTS,  COLOUR , Edition: 200, Loom Gallery – Milan

‘PLACEHOLDERS’ investigates how principles of cognitive psychology are crucial in both the perception and creation of art, emphasizing the vital role of documentation in this process.
The manuscript weaves semiotics, dynamics of perception, postmodernism, subversion of language, and artificial intelligence concerning contemporary and explores how altering
linguistic conventions can reshape artistic interpretation and purpose.
Central to this exploration is the idea of art as a placeholder, suggesting it serves as a stand-in to represent broader ideas through continuous staging. This work thus presents a
multifaceted perspective on the convergence of these diverse elements in a singular reflective stream.

Francesco De Prezzo “MOCKUPS PAINTINGS”,  publication, 2023, 108 pages, color , Edition: 300, Loom Gallery – Milan

Francesco De Prezzo “Maybe there is a substitute for experience”,  publication, 2022, 604 pages, B/W, Edition: 30, Pub: Loom Gallery – Milan

Francesco De Prezzo “29 ways to destroy a painting”,  publication, 2022, 92 pages, COLOUR , Edition: 200, Pub: Loom Gallery – Milan

Francesco De Prezzo “SUBJECTS”,  publication, 2021, 100 pages, COLOUR, Edition: 40,  Milan

Francesco De Prezzo “Portraits of a room”,  publication, 2019, 120 pages, COLOUR, Edition: 100, Pub: False Front, Portland