“(…)”A” ask to “B”: How does one continue to believe in an artwork when there are so many reasons to doubt?”
Placeholders are a series of sculptures obtained by disassembling and reassembling stands commonly used on the set in videomaking.
The original function of these elements is to support video cameras or determine a position on the film set, marking these positions during shooting to facilitate the anchoring of any special effects in post-production.
Similarly, these sculptures “mark” a precise space within the gallery, focusing on a layout rather than a setup. The space is transformed into an active context, in which it is not clear whether something has already happened or is yet to happen.
The feeling is that of being in front of a large mock-up, where sculptures formed by closed photographic tripods mark some strategic positions in space, as if indicating the hypothetical position of future works.
What appears is thus a fine line between possibility and expectation, and we ask ourselves whether we are dealing with works or mere functional objects, or if the work is the whole construction.
“(…)”A” ask to “B”: How does one continue to believe in an artwork when there are so many reasons to doubt?”
Placeholders are a series of sculptures obtained by disassembling and reassembling stands commonly used on the set in videomaking.
The original function of these elements is to support video cameras or determine a position on the film set, marking these positions during shooting to facilitate the anchoring of any special effects in post-production.
Similarly, these sculptures “mark” a precise space within the gallery, focusing on a layout rather than a setup. The space is transformed into an active context, in which it is not clear whether something has already happened or is yet to happen.
The feeling is that of being in front of a large mock-up, where sculptures formed by closed photographic tripods mark some strategic positions in space, as if indicating the hypothetical position of future works.
What appears is thus a fine line between possibility and expectation, and we ask ourselves whether we are dealing with works or mere functional objects, or if the work is the whole construction.